
If you’ve never met a glass, magnet, snow globe, or other kitschy souvenir you didn’t want to take home with you, your house is probably big on memories–and small on space. Souvenirs remind us of great experiences and places, from a fun day at the zoo to your honeymoon in Paris, but they’re often less than practical once you get them home. If you’re considering parting ways with some of your favorite souvenirs to free up space, try these five organization tips before you say au revoir to them forever.

  1. Use Them!

Sure, you may not find many uses for the pile of pressed pennies you come home with after every trip, but many other souvenirs can be used practically around the house. From coffee mugs and spoon rests to towels and clothes, see which of your souvenirs can pull double duty.

  1. Put Them on Display

Souvenirs are many things, but inexpensive is not one of them. You’ve spent your hard-earned money to purchase them, don’t hide them! If you have the space, purchase a bookshelf on which to display them; if you don’t, install a shelf and give your favorite ones the best seat in the house.

  1. Frame Them

Just like the hundreds of pictures you took on your trip, a souvenir is worth a thousand words. Use picture frames and shadow boxes to display anything from brochures and tickets to collectible spoons and glasses. This is also useful for oversized souvenirs you simply don’t have room for: take a nice photo of it and frame it to keep it with you forever.

  1. Digitize Them

Collecting tickets and a brochure here and there is simple enough, but are you the kind of person who keeps receipts, menus, business cards, and any other paper souvenir you can get your hands on to remember your day/trip as clearly as possible? If so, consider going digital. This way you can access your memories any time you want without digging out cumbersome keepsake boxes.

  1. Store Them Between Rotations

When we buy souvenirs, our hearts are big–but sometimes our house is just too small. Give all of your favorite keepsakes equal time in the limelight by rotating them every few months. The ones that you aren’t currently displaying should be stored securely in a moisture-reducing tote, with breakable items wrapped in paper or bubble wrap to properly protect them.

Now that you’ve organized your favorite souvenirs, it’s time to find the perfect place to keep them. Gotham Mini Storage is the best Manhattan mini storage with affordable prices, and 24/7 security, it’s your most convenient solution. Contact the experts at Gotham Mini Storage today to get started.