As Barnard College slowly returns to campus, Give and Go Green is back and excited to provide a sustainable move out option for students. Give and Go Green and the Green Sale are events that help achieve Barnard’s waste reduction goals, building a Circular Campus, and increasing access and affordability.
As students pack up to move off campus they can donate gently used items that might get thrown out otherwise. This year, students are welcome to donate any clothing, books, and certain household appliances as they move out. The donations are either given to local charities such as Wearable Collections and Gradbag or stored over the summer for the Green Sale.
The Green Sale will take place at New Student Orientation in the Fall of 2021, during the sale, dorm goods are sold to first-year and transfer students for a small fee. Profits from the Green Sale go directly back to the students in the form of the Climate Action Grant which gives them resources to be a part of creating positive changes here on campus, in New York City and beyond.
This year, Barnard College has partnered with Gotham Mini Storage—the premier Manhattan mini storage location and Tribecca Moving and Trucking to ensure the continued success of the program. Not only are they donating the necessary moving and storage services necessary to host the Green Sale in the fall, but Gotham Mini Storage is generously offering our students a 20% discount on all summer storage units.