Spring Cleaning Tips for City Living

It’s that time of year again: the Mr. Softee truck is stationed at the corner, the flowers in the sidewalk are blooming—and your apartment looks like a cyclone came through. For all of the great things spring brings, it also comes with the unavoidable chore of spring cleaning. NYC Apartment …

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Surviving Your NYC Internship

With the Spring semester almost finished, it’s high time to start planning a summer internship. Many college students flock to New York City each summer to gain experience in a wide range of professions, from news and editorial experience to banking and legal affairs. New York is a wonderful place …

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Prepare Your NYC Apartment for a Subletter

It’s becoming more common these days: subletting your NYC apartment for the short term while you travel, work or live elsewhere for a few days, weeks or months. When preparing your apartment for your (paying) guest, it’s important to get the details right to avoid your cost-saving measure turn into …

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3 New Year’s Resolutions

It’s once again time to choose resolutions for the new year—and endeavor to keep them past February. Gotham Mini Storage compiled a list of ways we can help you make it to December 2016. Tidy Up Your Home Spring isn’t the only big house cleaning season! If one of your …

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3 Ways to Use a Storage Unit

Living in New York City is great, but it comes at the expensive price of your (inevitably) small apartment. Not only is space at a premium, but any long-term vacations are difficult or out of the question because of your high rent. Believe it or not, having somewhere safe in …

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Starting a Business? Here’s One Way to Save on Costs

Starting a business isn’t easy, but in a place like Manhattan, it can be even harder—and more costly. Chance are you’re going to need office space, and with average commercial rent last year averaging $64 per square foot for a space, it won’t be cheap. How much space do you …

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5 Secret Clutter Spots to Watch Out For

On the surface, your house might seem organized—but think again. There are all sorts of hidden spots in your home where clutter and junk reside. When you’re living somewhere like New York City, where decent closet space is hard to come by (if not an outright urban legend), it’s even …

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4 Tricks for a Minimal Apartment

You don’t need to go crazy about the whole minimalistic organization craze to get some benefit out of it. While some attempt intense challenges such as living with 100 items or less or “Kondo-ization,” you don’t need to take extreme measures to reap the benefits of living a more ordered life. Apply …

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Storage for When Your NYC Place Has None

Sometimes, organization and storage problems are caused by your actual apartment. Closets are nonexistent, kitchen cabinets are scarce, and there’s no built-in shelving—or even a good wall to position a Swedish DIY project. Living in a NYC apartment like this and don’t know what to do with all of your stuff? Here …

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